What We Provide
DeLande Group imports Over-the-Counter (OTC) medicines to clients through our logistics and price-cut initiative. All OTC medicines will be imported from our partners. Our suppliers provide the highest quality products and pride themselves on providing products made in uncontaminated, sanitized, wholesome and controlled environments.
Our first and only priority is to service the needs of our customers while creating lasting relationships with our suppliers and producers of the products we service.
We aim to build and maintain lifelong relationships with:
● Our stakeholders
● Our partners
● Our customers
● Our suppliers
● Our employees
DeLande Group will focus on creating partners to service the needs of those surrounded by water, while striving to provide the best in-class services.
On account of providing exceptional quality products and services, DeLande Group is projecting exponential growth.
Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medicines
DeLande Group will deliver Over-the-Counter (OTC) medicines to archipelagos around the world. The goods and services provided, will be shipped on-time in the most efficient manner. We have identified with residents of remote islands and archipelagos around the world that OTC drugs are commodities and should not be overpriced because of their demand. The cost of OTC medicines are doubled, and at times, tripled throughout archipelagos around the world. For this reason, the DeLande Group will supply five types of OTC drugs at an affordable price.
● Pain Relievers
● Cold and Cough medicine
● Allergy medicine
● Digestive and Nausea medicine
● Motions sickness medicine
DeLande Group will develop and deliver initiatives to ensure growing access to OTC medicines with assured quality, at low prices to reduce household expenditures and promote their rational use.